Thinking of joining ? or would like some information on how the group runs, simply email me (Sue ) at

Two blocks are made per month, and the swap partners are allocated in the middle of each month

Monday, December 12, 2011

Merry 6 inch for December

Hi Ladies

I have just finished sending out the December partners.  Jolanda from Portugal is my double swap queen this month being paired with Janet from Canada and Billy from Victoria.  We also welcome new member Lynda from New Zealand swapping with us for the first time

With 24 members now in this group, we have three sitting the month out and sadly I have had to suspend two partners for failing to meet their swap obligations or communicate with their partner.
I cannot stress this enough.  If you are running late with your swap please let your partner know, If you have mislaid their email address then email me and I will let them know. 

On a brighter note:

Have a wonderful and safe Christmas with your loved ones.  Hold them dear to your hearts.  I look forward to catching up with all of your again mid January

On a brighter note:

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